Economic Development and Site/Client Readiness Services

InSite is a worldwide, leading economic development and site selection firm that has revolutionized
the transparent, quantifiable way we deliver “site services” to both our Siting and
Economic Development clients. The common thread that creates success for both industries –
Product (Sites, Parks, Buildings) and Communities that are Ready Today. 
How Do You Get There? 
We will show you the way, step-by-step.

$9.1 Billion Capital Investment and 14,500 Direct New Jobs Announced
on Sites Going Through InSite’s Readiness Programs.

A Client Story

Jina Belcher
Executive Director
New River Gorge Regional Development Authority

Building Your Program From the Ground Up with Services that Will Produce Jobs, Investment, and Community Sustainability

Economic Development is one of the most competitive businesses that states, regions, and local communities are involved in when it comes to recruiting jobs and investment.  When we say competitive, we mean your community is typically competing against one hundred plus other locations per project evaluating locations.  There are a lot of building blocks that must come completely together to be the selected location.  If one block is missing or becomes unsteady,
the project is lost to the community.  The real loss is suffered by those residents needing jobs to provide for their families!

InSite can help you solidify your state, regional, and local competitiveness by focusing on the fundamentals of
recruiting capital investment and quality jobs.  We have over 60 years of experience in identifying the best product
(sites, parks, buildings) for our national and international manufacturing clients, and we utilize this knowledge on
behalf of our Economic Development Partners by providing you a fundamental blueprint for building a competitive,
stronger economy in your community.  A review of our varied services:

From Dirt to Client Destination, InSite’s Comprehensive Site/Park/Building Client-Readiness Assessment Program

InSite’s Product Assessment and Marketing Program Results in:  Client-Ready Product (Sites, Parks, Buildings) Designation; and Highest and Best Use Identification

Is Your Product Client-Ready Today?

Is your product competitive on a national level for site selection clients and project audit?  Clients and consultants are searching for and buying sites, not real estate. We can help you understand the difference and enhance the marketability of your product (sites, parks, buildings), community, region, and state.  InSite will take your product (sites, parks, buildings) to the highest-level of competitiveness with our Client-Ready Product Program.  We don’t’ stop there!  We then develop a product (site, park, building)-specific marketing package and plan to ensure your product gets found by companies looking for product-ready.

In this program you will learn the secrets in the elusive world of Site Selection of what makes your product (sites, parks, buildings) truly competitive at the national level for new jobs and investment.  InSite will help you understand your product’s (sites, parks, buildings) current assets and where investments (i.e., infrastructure) into your product (sites, parks, buildings) should be made to achieve the highest-level of return-on-investment and competitiveness in the country.   We will assist your organization in developing a justifiable and quantifiable “Ask” package for funding opportunities to increase the competitiveness of your site.  See our Site Funding Readiness Program description.

We will take your product through the RFI process, train your local response team, conduct a site visit, enhance your virtual and actual site presentations, and provide marketing recommendations and steps necessary to earn a Client’s Ready-Product designation.  This comprehensive program will truly take your product (site, park, building) from dirt to destination location for manufacturing. 

Providing a robust implementation plan, InSite first deploys an interactive gap analysis that guides the process through three layers of evaluation: understanding what job creators are looking for in a community, recognizing the assets each community has to offer as a location, and identifying which existing gaps need a strategy to overcome challenges. InSite will then execute a high-level cost-benefit analysis to quantify if there is a return on gap mitigation investment, and if so, develop a customized implementation plan for the communities to mitigate their location-specific gaps. If there is not an adequate return on investment, InSite will advise on another highest and best use of the assets and communities being assessed.

InSite Consulting’s best-in-class program by the client’s expectations has set ambitious standards for readiness.  We urge you to compare other “readiness” programs. Our clients have viewed “client-ready” sites/parks with natural gas service 25 miles away.  They have visited certified sites/parks with no excess water capacity.  Prospects have seen certified sites/parks that are 100% in a floodplain.  Sadly, we could go on about these “not ready sites and communities!”  The “true gap” is the need for an “upgraded/revolutionary” approach to getting product and communities client-ready.  InSite has mitigated this gap for our clients and communities with our readiness program detailed in the information pro-vided.

What is the Highest and Best Use of your product? 

What type of client is your product ready for?  Do you have a marketing plan per product (site, park, building) per use?  Our revolutionary site and community readiness and training program for economic development-focused entities are built from our global experience with “boots-on-the-ground” evaluations of product (sites, parks, buildings) and communities for our clients! Our company and its owners have also been in the trenches of economic development as practitioners, which makes us relatable and serves to further differentiate us from our competitors.

InSite’s product (site, park, building) evaluation will determine the highest and best use of your site based upon our comprehensive site analysis.  Our highest and best use analysis will help you understand your property’s current assets and what industry targets are appropriate for your site.  Our process also allows you to focus efforts efficiently and manage expectations of the site.

The product (site, park, building) will “tell” us what it can recruit based on its existing capacities– its Highest and Best Use.  Once we know the product’s capabilities and level of “readiness”, we can coach your team, leadership, board, etc., on next steps for the expectations and life of the product.  We will take your product through the RFI process, train your local response team, conduct a site visit, enhance your virtual and actual site presentations, and provide site marketing recommendations and steps necessary to learn and market the highest and best us of your product (site, park, building).

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